Monday, May 31, 2010

Belt Sander

I used this machine to even out the uneven surfaces of my front and back plates for both my speakers.

Tools I Used

This is a photo of the tools I have been using so far to build my speakers.

I used the clamp to hold my front and back plates together to perform various tasks such as using the jigsaw to cut off excess wood and using the belt sander to even out uneven surfaces.
I used the drill to screw in drills so my plates would stay together.
I used various measuring tools such as the ruler to make sure I had the right measurements on my speakers.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Both My Speakers After I Applied Bog to the Gaps (photo 2)

(See description of photo #1).

Both My Speakers After I Applied Bog to the Gaps (photo 1)

This photo was taken shortly after the last one. I applied bog to the spaces where I drilled in the screws. This will most likely require a small amount of sanding to even out the surface.

Both My Speakers After the Braces Were Applied

This photo was taken after I had applied braces into my speakers to stabilize them. I drilled 1 screw at both ends of the braces to make them stay in place.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Both My Speakers After Bogging (photo 2)

This is after I bogged the space above the screws and then wiped back the excess bog.

Both My Speakers After Bogging (photo 1)

This is after I bogged the space above the screws and then wiped back the excess bog (I would be doing this a LOT in the future months).

Both Sets of Speaker Plates After Drilling in the Screws (photo 2)

*See description of photo 1*

Both Sets of Speaker Plates After Drilling in the Screws (photo 1)

Both sets of my speaker plates after I glued the front and back plates to the bottom plates using wood glue, and then drilled the screws in.

First Set of Speaker Plates After Being Fixed Together

My first set of front and back plates after I glued them with wood glue and fixed them together.

Me in the Workshop (photo 2)

Me working on my speaker back plate.