Friday, October 15, 2010

Applying Bog to My Speakers (photo 2)

*See the description of photo 1*

Applying Bog to My Speakers (photo 1)

This photo was taken after I had trimmed down the excess wood hanging over the edges and applied bog to the gaps.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Standing Wave/Phase Cancellation Notes

Standing Waves
Standing waves are waves produced when two sound waves of the same frequency and amplitude travel in opposite directions in the same medium.

Phase Cancellation
Phase cancellation occurs when two microphones or any other sound recording device picks up the same sound at different times. If you think of a sound wave as a series of hills and valleys, a microphone that is nearest to a speaker might intercept the sound at the top of the waveform while a microphone that is furthest from a speaker might pick up the sound at the bottom of the cycle.