Monday, November 8, 2010


This year we built stereo speakers out of wood materials. Terry was our teacher for this year. After we were given an introduction to the subject we started drawing conceptual shapes for our speakers. Once I had chosen the shape for my speakers I drew up the template for my face plate. I used the jigsaw to cut it out.

Before I could go any further I had to create a 3-Dimensional mockup of what my speakers would look like. This was a long process and I would have liked to skip this stage and go straight onto building my speakers.  The next stage involved using my template to draw up the perimeter of the front and back plates for my speakers on MDF. It took a couple of days to cut these out once they were finished.

Now that the faces of my speakers were cut out it was time to begin the labourious process of sanding them down to acquire the shape I wanted. This took about 3 weeks. Once the bottom plates were cut out it was time to build the skeleton of my speakers. I used glue to stick the plates together and I made sure they stayed in place by drilling screws to the joints. Next came the braces to help the speakers stay together. I bogged up the gaps left by the drilling and proceeded to the next step.

I layered the insides of my speakers with carpet and then I began to apply a layer of bendy plywood to the sides of my speakers. The first external layer was complete. Not long afterwards Terry told me I needed to apply a second layer of bendy plywood. Throughout doing this I had to undergo a process of applying glue to the surface of the first layer and then clamping down the second layer over top and waiting for it to stick and dry. Once this was done I had to cut off the excess wood hanging over the                                                          sides and sand it down to perfectness... again.

Once the week long bogging process was over I was up to the final stages of finishing my speaker cabinets. Priming. Prime number 1 required a couple of sessions worth of sanding and bogging afterwards and left me with very little time to finish. Prime number 2 was the final step in the creation of my speaker cabinets. Done. I just need to take one more photo.

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